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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 21.01.2008, 22:52 Beitrag #1   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
Homepage: http://forum.riedls.net
Geburtstag: 21.07.1980
Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge
Hi Leutz!

wie die meisten schon wissen, hat die NXL die BPS auf 13.3 runtergestzt!

Tja jetzt ist auch offiziell die Mille nachgezogen:

hier die news:

mille hat folgendes geschrieben:

21 of January, 2008
Millennium Series ROF cap in 2008

Following discussions with team owners last week and extensive consulting with various gun/board
manufacturers the MS will update the respective wording of rule "11.01 Markers" to

- The first 3 shots must be semi-auto mode only.
- Markers will be limited to a ROF of 12 balls per second, defined as no two consecutive shots may
be timed shorter than 83ms apart (reading on ROF meter of 12.0 bps or less = legal; reading on ROF
meter of 12.1 bps or higher = illegal).
- Ramping of shots will be allowed only, once 6 bps has been achieved. Then the marker may ramp to
12 bps, but only as long the 6 bps is continually maintained. Once the trigger is stopped to be
activated, only one single additional shot may be discharged.

Clarification: the 6 bps for start/sustain ramping dose not need to be hit physically, it refers to
the time delay between trigger activations, which must be at least the equivalent to 6 bps. So a
marker may start to ramp up to 12 bps, if (after the first three shots being in semi-auto only) the
time delay between 3rd and 4th trigger activation is not less than 167ms.

also jetzt gehts ans runterstellen der rampgeschwindigkeit aber auch ans runterdrehen der minimum
also ab 3!!! :paint: :paint: :rtfm:

lg P.
p.s. sobald wir was von der PBBL wissen, wirds gepostet!!

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Kein neuer Beitrag Tommy_C , 21.01.2008, 23:01 Beitrag #2   
IP: n/a
Rang: User User User User User User User User User User User User User User
Registrierung: 01.04.2007, 17:09
Geburtstag: n/a
Team: n/a

Frontplayer mit 442 Punkte, 364 Beiträge
ai caracho da kann ich mein board wieder nach usaonien schicken....

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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 22.01.2008, 22:15 Beitrag #3   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
Homepage: http://forum.riedls.net
Geburtstag: 21.07.1980
Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge
jetzt gehts rund

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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 05.03.2008, 14:06 Beitrag #4   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
Homepage: http://forum.riedls.net
Geburtstag: 21.07.1980
Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge
neues Mille Update für die ROF Rule:

Millenium Series hat folgendes geschrieben:

illennium Series ROF cap in 2008:

Following discussions with team owners last week and extensive consulting with various gun/board
manufacturers the MS will update the respective wording of rule ''11.01 Markers'' to

- The first 3 shots must be semi-auto mode only.
- Markers will be limited to a ROF of 12 balls per second, defined as no two consecutive shots may
be timed shorter than 83ms apart (reading on ROF meter of 12.0 bps or less = legal; reading on ROF
meter of 12.1 bps or higher = illegal).
- Ramping of shots will be allowed only, once 6 bps has been achieved. Then the marker may ramp to
12 bps, but only as long the 6 bps is continually maintained. Once the trigger is stopped to be
activated, only one single additional shot may be discharged.

Clarification: the 6 bps for start/sustain ramping dose not need to be hit physically, it refers to
the time delay between trigger activations, which must be at least the equivalent to 6 bps. So a
marker may start to ramp up to 12 bps, if (after the first three shots being in semi-auto only) the
time delay between 3rd and 4th trigger activation is less than 167ms.

lg P.

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