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Thema: "neue Garantiebestimmungen bei Planet Eclipse (auch für alte Marker!)" [ Seite 1 ]

Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 17.12.2008, 14:28 Beitrag #1   
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Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge

Plant Eclipse gibt bekannt das sich die Garantiebestimmungen geändert haben, ausserdem hat Planet
absofort einen interessanten TechChannel bei youtube.....


- Zukünftig erhält nur noch derjenige kostenlose Garantieleistungen wer seinen Markierer innerhalb
von 14 Tagen nach dem Kaufdatum registriert hat.
- Sollte es Produkteupdates, Bugfixes geben werden diese zukünftig direkt an die Adressen der
registrierten Benutzer geschickt. Wer sich nicht registriert bekommt also nix.
- Aufgrund einer Registrations- und Techdatenbank ist Planet immer im Bilde was technisch abgeht
und wer welche Markierer registriert hat.
- Wer seinen Markierer noch nicht registriert hat bekommt jetzt bis am 1.1.2009 noch die
Möglichkeit dies nachzuholen.
Wer zu spät kommt den bestraft das Leben.

Die Registration kann auch Online unter folgender Url erledigt werden:


“Eclipse has always strived to provide the best possible Customer Service and After Sales Care when
looking after its customers, so i thought that at least a few of you might appreciate it if i
outlined the benefits of registering your Eclipse marker using the Warranty Card in the manual or
our Online Registration System at http://www.planeteclipse.com

- Warranty. The primary benefit of registering your marker is to validate the warranty of your
marker. If you have not registered your marker already then you NEED to do it now! Registering your
marker if and when you have an issue is not good enough. From 1st January 2009, only markers that
have been registered within 14 days of purchase will be covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.

- Parts updates. If for whatever reason we decide to issue updated parts for any of our markers,
these will be sent out directly to the owners of these markers using our Warranty database. If you
haven't registered your marker you won't be on the database so won't be receiving any parts. Capiche?

- Service History. Ever bought or sold a used paintball marker? Ever wondered about the service
history of the marker that you are about to purchase or how many different owners have used it? All
of these are possibilities for the future providing you guys are vigilant about registering your
markers and encouraging others to do the same.

With an ever expanding network of Eclipse Service Centers throughout the world it is becoming
increasingly easier to keep track of whether markers have been registered, as well as updating
their service histories.

Driven by a desire to provide the best possible service to you guys, I'm giving you an amnesty
period of up until the 1st January 2009 to register your Eclipse markers and validate any remaining
warranty that they may have. After that date if they have not been registered then we reserve the
right to refuse to cover any repairs on them under warranty.

I hope that this helps to clarify the benefits of registering your Eclipse marker(s) .”

Kindest regards,

Nicky T

Customer Service and Tech Support Manager

Planet Eclipse Limited


hier noch 2 Vids zum drüberstreuen


lg P.

p.s. also an alle Egomanen: registrieren!!!

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