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Thema: "Neuer Zwischenfall mit STAKO Flasche" [ Seite 1 ]

Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 10.10.2007, 20:20 Beitrag #1   
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Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
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Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge
Die Firma Stako & deren mittlerweile berühmt, berüchtigten Flaschen kommen leider nicht zur
Ruhe.Diesmal hat es eine Flasche eines Spielers der SAPPL erwischt wobei sich seine Flasche
dermaßen Ausgedehnt hat das die äussere Ummantelung anfing abzugehen.

Just a heads up. One of the All-Stars (SAPPL Pro-team) players discovered that there was severe
damage to his air (HP) cylinder this past weekend. The scary part is that they only noticed the
damage to the fiber wrapping at the end of their practice, after the cylinder was filled a few times.

There have been several reports concerning the Stako cylinders in the past. It is clear from the
damage that the body of the cylinder somehow expanded enough to tear the protective fiber wrapping.

I’ve been in contact with the Paintball Shop in Port Elizabeth, the main importer of Stako air
systems. Jason Brown stated that the safety of their customers where of a major concern to them. An
initial safety concern relating to the Stako product line motivated the Paintball Shop to cease
import of the cylinders. Jason reported that they received a new batch of cylinders from Stako late
last week. The new batch got the green light from the Millennium Series in Europe and is deemed to
be safe by testing authorities.

Jason also pointed out that a recent accident with an air system here in South Africa involved a
non-Stako system (a crossfire). The Paintball Shop also want to impress on Paintballers that they
should take care when filling any air system and should ensure that they don’t fill these systems
too fast as this generates heat that might damage the cylinder in the long run. Extra care should
be taken when a cylinder is empty. When filling an empty system a minute amount of expansion occurs
and damage will occur if the cylinder is filled rapidly.


lg P :doof:

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