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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 15.11.2008, 13:17 Beitrag #1   
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Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
Homepage: http://forum.riedls.net
Geburtstag: 21.07.1980
Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge
hi leutz!

soeben auf pbhub gefunden:


Greg Hastings’ Tournament Paintball 2
Hits in 2009

SEATTLE, WA. (November 14, 2008) - Greenwave proudly announces Greg Hastings’ Tournament Paintball 2
(GHTP2), a new first person shooter capturing the sick intensity and incredibly unique game play of
paintball - the Sport of Combat.

The Greg Hastings’ Tournament Paintball video game franchise will again impress dedicated gamers
and paintball players alike who are looking for speed, strategy and skill in their next console
shooter. GHTP 2 will launch on the Xbox 360®video game and entertainment system from Microsoft in
2009. Other game platforms will be announced at a future date.

Set on the most realistic paintball battlefields, and utilizing distinct paintball formats,
including 7 Man, 10 Man Woodsball, and Scenario play, GHTP2 will push the envelope of technology,
showcasing artificial intelligence, graphics, physics and animations that fully embrace the true
nature and realism of competition paintball. Gamers will take on real teams and earn their ranks in
real leagues. On the road to becoming a champion in tournament speedball, woodsball and scenario
tournaments, gamers will have an incredible array of paintball weaponry at their disposal, well
beyond just paintball markers.

“GHTP has been in the top 10 on Xbox LIVE and critically acclaimed by world champion gamers, so I’m
very excited to deliver another hit paintball shooter,” said Greg Hastings, long time professional
player, 21 year paintball veteran, and deeply involved in the development of the GHTP franchise
since its inception. “We are coding specifically for Xbox 360 and each other console, so you won’t
see a substandard port here. Paintball is one of the fastest sports in the world, so I insist that
our entire dev team become proficient at paintball. Once again, GHTP2 will thoroughly surprise you.”

Utilizing an all new proprietary engine, the much anticipated GHTP sequel will bring new,
high-definition life into the GHTP franchise. With heavy emphasis on team management, growth of
individual skills, choice of path through game, and fun paintball oriented game play, GHTP2
represents Greg Hastings’ and Greenwave’s continued commitment to deliver a unique shooter
experience. GHTP2 is not yet rated.

“Making this game is a fun process,” said Oliver Lang, Captain of the World Champion Ironmen. “It’s
very easy to see that this is authentic paintball. The more you make your character play smart
paintball and by articulating your character’s body movements and positioning correctly, the more
you’ll blast your opponents in the face. I have a pretty big character role in this game, so I’m
having fun.”

The first GHTP video game launched on Xbox in 2004. Within a short time, the game’s unique and high
speed game play established a following in the gamer and paintball communities. GHTP earned
positive reviews, including a nomination by Gamespot for “Most Surprisingly Good Game of 2004.”
With the interest and support of gamers and paintball players, GHTP achieved Platinum status on
Xbox and reached Top 10 on Xbox LIVE® online entertainment network.

About Greenwave
Greenwave is a new video game publisher creating fun, quality games for existing markets and fan
communities. The company is privately held and headquartered in Seattle. For more information visit


mal sehen was mehr kann - ghtp2 oder paintball breakout 2009

lg Herzdrache :wichs:

p.s. außerdem bin ich mal auf die weiteren Konsolen und deren Umsetzung gespannt!

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Kein neuer Beitrag Rapfmaster , 15.11.2008, 18:57 Beitrag #2   
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Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 22.10.2006, 16:29
Homepage: http://www.websingles.at/11...
Geburtstag: 03.08.1976
Team: Cold-Fusion

Bundesligaspieler mit 811 Punkte, 702 Beiträge
na das WII Video war ja gan icht mal so schlecht

"Über 5000 Paintballer können nicht richtig triggern und nachpotten..
Schreib dich nicht ab, lern triggern und nachpotten"

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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 17.11.2008, 13:20 Beitrag #3   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
Homepage: http://forum.riedls.net
Geburtstag: 21.07.1980
Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge
naja viel sieht man vom spiel selbst net, aber die dürften ne Menge spaß gehabt haben *g*

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Kein neuer Beitrag Rapfmaster , 17.11.2008, 21:17 Beitrag #4   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 22.10.2006, 16:29
Homepage: http://www.websingles.at/11...
Geburtstag: 03.08.1976
Team: Cold-Fusion

Bundesligaspieler mit 811 Punkte, 702 Beiträge

herzdrache hat folgendes geschrieben:
naja viel sieht man vom spiel selbst net, aber die dürften ne Menge spaß gehabt haben *g*

Merke: 8 Paintballer haben immer Spass, wir sind ja keine Frauen!

"Über 5000 Paintballer können nicht richtig triggern und nachpotten..
Schreib dich nicht ab, lern triggern und nachpotten"

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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 18.11.2008, 11:35 Beitrag #5   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
Homepage: http://forum.riedls.net
Geburtstag: 21.07.1980
Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge
ja stimmt!
aber die haben auch frauen dabeigehabt!!!

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