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Thema: "RPS & Eclipse ist und bleibt State of the ART!!" [ Seite 1 ]

Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 03.04.2008, 18:28 Beitrag #1   
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Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge


Der "Stable of Dreams" von R.P. Sherer...

The RPS 2008 Stable of Dreams

RPS Paintballs has unveiled its roll call of sponsored teams for 2008 and what a line up it is.

The Russian Legion-the consummate world championship team
XFactor-recent winners of Huntington Beach 2008
Infamous -The recent 2008 PSP Phoenix Winners
Ironmen -2007 World Cup winners
Aftershock-the winningest team of all time.

All these teams have been using and will use RP Scherer paint for the 2008 season and with XFactor
already taking the first NPPL title at Huntington Beach 2008 and Infamous winning the PSP's first
event, it looks as though it?s gonna be yet another successful year for RP Scherer paint.

They say 'Success breeds success' and with successful brands supporting successful teams, it seems
as though 2008 is gonna be another success for all those teams and players who choose RP Scherer.

und es geht weiter:

was sagt und das???

Das Perfekte Duo oder???

lg P.

306.821 Bytes 1 Downloads

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