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Position: Home » Ausrüstung » High End Markierer » Ego Einstellungen Mille und PSP
Thema: "Ego Einstellungen Mille und PSP" [ Seite 1 ]

Kein neuer Beitrag Rapfmaster , 26.01.2008, 11:43 Beitrag #1   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 22.10.2006, 16:29
Homepage: http://www.websingles.at/11...
Geburtstag: 03.08.1976
Team: Cold-Fusion

Bundesligaspieler mit 811 Punkte, 702 Beiträge
Nach dem ich ja wie jeder Brave Ego Spieler meinen Schatz bei Planet Registriert habe, habe ich
dieses schöne Mail wegen Mille und PSP bekommen. Also viel Spass beim Einstellen!

info@planeteclipse.com hat folgendes geschrieben:

In order to comply with the new 2008 PSP rule regarding gun firing modes, we recommend that Eclipse
markers should be configured as follows -

Ego 7 / Ego 8

1. Enter the Setup menu
2. Select (PRESET) (LOAD) and choose the PSP option
3. Select (MAX ROF) and set the value to 13.0*
4. Select (OFF ROF) and set the value to 13.0* or less (recommend 12.0)
5. Select (PRESET) (SAVE) and choose the USER 1 option to save these settings for future use.
6. Exit the Setup menu
7. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

Ego 5 / Ego 6

1. Enter the Setup menu
2. Select (MODE) and choose the RAMP 1 or PSP option
3. Select (ROF CAP) and set the value to 13.0*
4. Select (OFF ROF) and set the value to 13.0* or less (recommend 12.0)
5. Exit the Setup menu 6. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

Etek / Etek 2

1. Enter the Setup menu
2. Select Firing Mode (red) and set the value to 03.0 (Ramp 1)
3. Select Maximum ROF (green) and set the value to 13.0*
4. Select Maximum ROF with BBSS Disabled (blue) and set the value to 13.0 or less (recommend 12.0)
5. Exit the Setup menu 6. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

Planet Eclipse no longer provides software updates for the eBlade platform, however the following
may prove useful in setting these products up to be compliant

E2 / Zero B

1. Fit fresh batteries to the loader that will be used and set the loader speed as required
2. Enter the Setup menu
3. Select (MODE) and choose the RAMP 1 or PSP option
4. Set the COFF parameter to 40ms
5. Enable the breech sensor
6. Shoot the gun so that it ramps and measure the ROF on a rate of fire meter
7. Adjust the COFF parameter and repeat 6 until the ROF is 13.0bps* (increasing COFF reduces ROF)
8. Check that CDELAY + CON + COFF is greater than 77ms and if not then increase CON
9. Exit the Setup menu
10. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

E1 (eBlade)
1. Fit fresh batteries to the loader that will be used and set the loader speed as required
2. Enter the Setup menu
3. Set the COFF parameter to 40ms
4. Enable the breech sensor
5. Shoot the gun as quickly as you can and measure the ROF on a rate of fire meter
6. Adjust the COFF parameter and repeat 5 until the ROF is 13.0bps* (increasing COFF reduces ROF)
7. Check that CDELAY + CON + COFF is greater than 77ms and if not then increase CON
8. Exit the Setup menu
9. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

*The rate of fire settings on Egos are accurate however not all rate of fire meters will read the
same. We recommend that guns be set on the safe side of the legal limit. The difference between
13.0 and 13.33bps is only 1 extra ball every 39 shots!

In order to comply with the new Millennium rule regarding gun firing modes, Eclipse markers should
be configured as follows -

Ego 7 / Ego 8

1. Enter the Setup menu
2. Select (PRESET) (LOAD) and choose the MILLEN option
3. Select (MAX ROF) and set the value to 11.8*
4. Select (OFF ROF) and set the value to 11.8*
5. Select (RAMP SET) (KICK IN) and set the value to 6.0
6. Select (RAMP SET) (SUSTAIN) and set the value to 6.0
7. Select (PRESET) (SAVE) and choose the USER 1 option to save these settings for future use.
8. Exit the Setup menu
9. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

Ego 5 / Ego 6

1. Enter the Setup menu
2. Select (MODE) and choose the RAMP 3** option
3. Select (ROF CAP) and set the value to 11.8*
4. Select (OFF ROF) and set the value to 11.8*
5. Exit the Setup menu
6. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

Etek / Etek 2

1. Enter the Setup menu
2. Select Firing Mode (red) and set the value to 05.0 (Ramp 3)
3. Select Maximum ROF (green) and set the value to 11.8*
4. Select Maximum ROF with BBSS Disabled (blue) and set the value to 11.8*
5. Exit the Setup menu 6. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

Planet Eclipse no longer provides software updates for the eBlade platform, however the following
may prove useful in setting these products up to be compliant

E2 / Zero B

1. Fit fresh batteries to the loader that will be used and set the loader speed as required
2. Enter the Setup menu
3. Select (MODE) and choose the RAMP 3** option
4. Set the COFF parameter to 40ms
5. Enable the breech sensor
6. Shoot the gun so that it ramps and measure the ROF on a rate of fire meter
7. Adjust the COFF parameter and repeat 6 until the ROF is 11.8bps* (increasing COFF reduces ROF)
8. Check that CDELAY + CON + COFF is greater than 84ms and if not then increase CON 9. Exit the
Setup menu 10. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

E1 (eBlade)
1. Fit fresh batteries to the loader that will be used and set the loader speed as required
2. Enter the Setup menu
3. Set the COFF parameter to 40ms
4. Enable the breech sensor
5. Shoot the gun as quickly as you can and measure the ROF on a rate of fire meter
6. Adjust the COFF parameter and repeat 5 until the ROF is 11.8bps* (increasing COFF reduces ROF)
7. Check that CDELAY + CON + COFF is greater than 84ms and if not then increase CON
8. Exit the Setup menu
9. Check the rate of fire on a league approved ROF meter.

*The rate of fire settings on Egos are accurate however not all rate of fire meters will read the
same. We recommend that guns be set on the safe side of the legal limit. The difference between
11.8 and 12.0bps is only 1 extra ball every 59 shots!

**If your software does not have the RAMP 3 option then it will be necessary to upgrade your
software to the latest version.

"Über 5000 Paintballer können nicht richtig triggern und nachpotten..
Schreib dich nicht ab, lern triggern und nachpotten"

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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 26.01.2008, 14:28 Beitrag #2   
IP: n/a
Rang: Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren Administratoren
Registrierung: 05.08.2006, 18:39
Homepage: http://forum.riedls.net
Geburtstag: 21.07.1980
Team: Cold Fusion

Paint-Masta mit 2634 Punkte, 2091 Beiträge

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