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Position: Home » Ausrüstung » High End Markierer » Planet Eclipse 2009er PSP Mode Settings
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Kein neuer Beitrag herzdrache , 12.02.2009, 21:07 Beitrag #1   
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Hier die Settings für die aktuellen und älteren Eclipse Marker für die PSP 2009


For the 2009 season, the PSP has changed its rules regarding marker firing modes. Use the following
settings to set up Eclipse Egos for compliance with these new rules -

*The latest versions will be available as upgrades, free of charge, from the Planet Eclipse Tech
Support Booth at all 2009 PSP events starting with the Phoenix Open. They will also be available to
registered users only from our RI Service Center after the Phoenix Open.

Ego 9 / SL94
To determine the firmware version, power up the marker by pushing and holding the middle button on
the console, after a short delay the version number will be displayed on the LCD.

Firmware Version 1.20*
Select PRESET / LOAD / PSP 12 (high divisions) or PSP 10 (low divisions) from the Setup Menu.

Firmware Version 1.00 – 1.13
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP 08 from the Setup Menu
Set the MAX ROF parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Geo / SL91
To determine the firmware version, power up the marker by pushing and holding the middle button on
the console, after a short delay the version number will be displayed on the LCD.

Firmware Version 1.20*
Select PRESET / LOAD / PSP 12 (high divisions) or PSP 10 (low divisions) from the Setup Menu.

Firmware Version 1.00 – 1.10
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP 08 from the Setup Menu
Set the MAX ROF parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Ego 8 / SL8r
Firmware Version 4.20*
Select PRESET / LOAD / PSP 12 (high divisions) or PSP 10 (low divisions) from the Setup Menu.

Firmware Version 4.00 – 4.14
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP 08 from the Setup Menu
Set the MAX ROF parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Ego 7 / SL74
Firmware Version 3.20
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP 07 from the Setup Menu
Set the MAX ROF parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Firmware Version 3.00 – 3.14
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP from the Setup Menu
Set the MAX ROF parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Ego 6 / SL66
Firmware Version 2.00 – 2.20
Select MODE/RAMP1 from the Setup Menu
Set the TIMING/ROF CAP parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the TIMING/OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Ego 5
Firmware Version 1.06 – 1.10
Select MODE/RAMP1 from the Setup Menu
Set the TIMING/ROF CAP parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the TIMING/OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Firmware Version 0.17 – 1.05
Firmware update needed.

Etek 2 STAR Frame
To determine the firmware version, power up the marker by pushing and holding the middle button on
the console, after a short delay the version number will be displayed on the LCD.

Firmware Version 1.20*
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP 12 (high divisions) or PSP 10 (low divisions) from the Setup Menu.

Firmware Version 1.10
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP 07 from the Setup Menu
Set the MAX ROF parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Firmware Version 1.00 – 1.01
Select PRESET/LOAD/PSP from the Setup Menu
Set the MAX ROF parameter to 12.0bps (high divisions) or 10.0bps (low divisions)
Set the OFF ROF parameter to 10bps

Etek 2
Firmware Version 1.40*
Set the Firing Mode parameter (red led) to 9 - Ramp 7 (high divisions) or 8 - Ramp 6 (low divisions).

Firmware Version 1.00 – 1.30
Set the Firing Mode parameter (red led) to 3 (Ramp 1).
Set the Maximum ROF (Capped) parameter (green led) to 12.0 (high divisions) or 10.0 (low divisions)
Set the Maximum ROF (BBSS Disabled) parameter (blue led) to 10.0

Etek 1
Set the Firing Mode parameter (red led) to 3 (Ramp 1).
Set the Maximum ROF (Capped) parameter (green led) to 12.0 (high divisions) or 10.0 (low divisions)
Set the Maximum ROF (BBSS Disabled) parameter (blue led) to 10.0

lg P.

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